Saturday, December 11, 2004

I don't think the Honda Civic was ever really designed with snowplow functionality in mind, but Little Green Jellybean came through for me today yet again. Though LGJ looked more like a mobile igloo than a jellybean. Or a car. I think I need to add another stanza to my ode. Who needs caffeine when you can just drive through a blizzard at 6AM in the middle of nowhere? A couple of times I had to stop and clear snow from my headlights and tires, which were under about ten inches of unplowed snow. Crazy. But amazingly I didn't get stuck or even slide, and I to top it off I wasn't late for work. Work is good- some things have changed, but the job is still the same- driving haul trucks is like riding a bike, you don't really forget. I was even reunited with my old truck 31 today.
On a totally different note, I just want to express my sadness and dismay over the senseless murder of Dimebag Darrell and three others.

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