Sunday, April 26, 2009

Back from Calgary! The Comic Expo was fantastic. I think it will take me several posts to get through all the stuffs. So I thought I would start with the things that were lame about it, since those are very few and then I can get on with the things that were great.
Lameness #1- it seemed to be poorly organized. We bought tickets in advance and still had to stand in line for about 35 minutes to get in. I feel bad for the people who bought tickets at the door and had to stand in line twice. And later, we were standing in line for the BSG forum, but we were never 100% sure we were even in the right line. A simple sign might have solved that problem. At least we got in- the people who were already in the room for Ray Park but wanted to see the BSG forum had to vacate the room, go all the way to the back of the line, and be told it was overcapacity and that they weren't allowed in. Ouch. It sounds like there was a shortage of volunteers so maybe they did the best they could.
Lameness #2- this one is all my fault and no one else's. I took hardly any pictures! When you are busy buying stuff and pushing a baby stroller pictures take a backseat, but I wish I had taken more, since the ones I did take didn't even turn out very well! Here are the two pics I took that turned out half-decent:

P4251699 P4251702

But look- a baby wookie! Well, we thought about dressing Pallas up but I was at work all week and we ran out of time. It was quite hot in there anyways and she just would have been unhappy. As it was she did really well.
