Friday, July 31, 2009

So the old Roxy Theatre in Hinton burned down. Or I should say, sustained heavy damages due to fire- I don't know if it's salvageable or not. I kind of hope so, and kind of hope not. At 50 years old or so, it represents one of the most historic buildings in Hinton. On the other hand, a little two or four screen multiplex would be nice there. Preferably in that little area of the Valley- in recent years it has slummified to an alarming degree. On weekend nights the RCMP pretty much just park there by the bar to try and keep a lid on the chaos.
I saw so many movies at that old theatre- Star Wars! Return of the Jedi! (Empire I saw for the first time at the Paramount here in Edmonton- my parents took me without saying what movie we were going to see, and since I was only 5 I had no idea there was another Star Wars film! I think my mind is still recovering from the mind-blowing explosion of holycow!). Tron. The Dark Crystal. Batman! Oh yeah, Batman with Jon, how could I ever forget that? Jon likes to remind me of the time I went and saw Karate Kid rather than make mythical creatures puppets for our class presentation the next day. His were amazing creations with three-dimensional wings and bodies while mine were not as impressive. Apparently Mr. Miyagi's lessons on discipline were lost on me.

Anyways. Have you seen the handmade Star Wars Mighty Muggs LucasArts commissioned for charity? Amazing works of art in the same vein as Jon's Pegasus puppets. The Empire Muggs Back auction starts today- lots of deviantArtists I follow are involved. Pretty cool. Grant Gould is one, and he also celebrates the launch of his Wolves of Odin webcomic today- a sequel to his graphic novel that you all should get. I did!