Tuesday, July 03, 2012


Michelle took Pallas to see Brave today. We'd been wanting to go as a family, but it turns out it's a perfect mother/daughter movie anyways so it all worked out. (My amazing parents generously took both girls for the weekend so Michelle and I could have a beautiful, peaceful 7th anniversary. We saw Prometheus, which was beautiful, though not that peaceful. So yeah. Babysitter exhaustion fair enough!) The best story Michelle told me, though, is that when Pallas saw the giant poster for The Amazing Spider-Man she said, "Spider-Man! Hi! What are YOU doing here?"
Speaking of Spidey, I just read Avenging Spider-Man: My Friends Can Beat Up Your Friends which I thought would be a visual feast, what with Joe Madureira's artwork, but it turned out to be all about the excellent writing of Zeb Wells. Essentially a Marvel Team-Up for the new era, I liked the two stories where he teams up with Hawkeye and Captain America the best. Nice, character-driven stories (with lots of action, sure) that are the types of comic stories that stick with you.

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