Friday, April 30, 2021

Happy Gojira Day! May you get strong and embrace the world. Loving the new album so far, still learning it. It's 100% Gojira with their chug chug chug weeerrowrow riffs but also a lot of new stuff too. A Wilson Phillips cover? Not quite but I did think my phone had went on shuffle the first time I heard Hold On.

In light of this auspicious and beautiful day I move that we extend the tax deadline to next month. All those in favour? Hello? Hello?

I know I have been pretty quiet this week, just been working away. April was a good month for writing for me. Entered two contests, lost both of them! But the stories I wrote are fun and may see the light of day in some other venue. One was about hitch-hiking, and the other was about mining. Two things I know a little about. Then I wrote the flash fiction I posted last week- more of a bonus than anything else. Also wrote and submitted a fun story about the River Styx and am just now working on yet another story about a cthulhu-esque monster. I was worried I didn't have any more of those in me but it turns out I still got one or two! But not done that one so I guess that will count towards May's writerly output. How are you doing? Urg now I need to do taxes.

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