Friday, May 28, 2021

Here is my modest little Nathan Waddell shelf in my library. The Nathan Waddell Library! More volumes coming soon, I hope.

I reviewed Upon A Twice Time on Goodreads which I'll copy and paste here- feels weird to review a book I'm in but I don't mention my story so:

Quick- name four fairy tales! Don't google it, just off the top of your head. Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Sure! What? Frankenstein is not a fairy tale! It's tricky, a little, right? How about just two? That's the impetus behind Upon A Twice Time. Take two fairy tales and mash them together, and also add the genre of your choice. Science fiction? Check! You like fantasy? It's here! What about culinary memoir? Didn't see that coming, did you? But it all works wonderfully well. So so good, this whole collection. Full disclosure- I wrote the story Megaflora in this anthology, so I won't discuss that one. And indeed I can't discuss every story here but there are some amazing and fantastic and beautiful stories here. Some should be nominated for awards in their genres. What is the governing body for the culinary memoirist's guild? They need to be contacted! (The Gala Tea Celebration Cake, Milton Rockwood)

There's dark fantasy here as creepy and lush as Neil Gaiman's Snow Glass Apples - Jenni Meade's A Dance of Birds and Men.
An aching and hauntingly romantic tale called The Swan and Bellerophon, by Leo Otherland.
A story about Pinocchio that I don't want to say anything else about, but it's brilliant! The Queen of Hearts Interrogates Pinocchio by Gabriel Ertsgaard.
Goldilocks is represented as well, with a big bad wolf chasing her. Rule of Threes by Rebecca Hardy, a story that hopefully will be expanded into a novel at some point. 
A pleasure to read and an honour to be a part of. 16 stars actually, but Goodreads limits me to 5.

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