Thursday, August 28, 2008


There it is!
The first photo of the little protobear. Gender unspecified for now- but more because it was hiding. Camera shy already. That little blob on the left is its head. Or possibly that more amorphous blob on the right- I can't really tell now. One possible source of confusion is that I seem to have scanned it upside down. Oh well. The other picture we got looks like a demon skull or some sort of alien. Which opens up all sorts of cool naming possibilities. Cthulhu Waddell! The downside is little Cthulhu would forever have to spell her name to teachers and receptionists. Yog Sothoth would probably be easier.
Anyways I wrote a haiku in honor of one of the gazillion doctors and nurses and technicians that have suddenly become a part of my life:

why do you all spell it out?
I just say objin