Tuesday, December 03, 2002

Here is a submission Alex sent in a while ago. I'm not sure whether to promote him or demote him.

I was supervising chroes to be done at my work. A kid came out of the washroom saying that he refuses to clean a toilet because it is plugged. Another kid then popped out of the washroom saying there was a big poo in the toilet and tried to show the circumference of the poo with his hands. So the toilet was plugged so I said I would have a look and show the kids how to unplug a toilet. Upon my discovery I saw what the problem was. The poo was so big that it was stuck in the hole in the toilet. One would think that it would break up. That's not the case. I tired to break it up with the toilet brush only to jam it furhter into the hole. Fortunetly the plunger helped the poo to slide down. I've never seen a poo get stuck in the toilet before. That's because I have never seen a poo thick enough to get stuck and this stuff was so compact it wouldn't break up. Another poo story provided by Alex.

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