Sunday, December 14, 2003

Made another trip out to Hinton today, for my Uncle's funeral. I don't think I'll say much about that.
Driving home I was without any CD's in my Mom's car, so I put the radio on the good old CBC to see what's been going on the last little while. We don't have TV or newspapers here in the Woodsy Crypt, so I've been a little out of touch with the wide world.
So imagine my surprise when they started talking about Prime Minister Paul Martin. "What the . . ? What happened to Jean Chretien? When did we have an election? Has there been a coup d'etat? Who's Paul Martin?" All these thoughts and more poured through my brain as I pondered this sudden change in the Headship of our State, after a decade of government stability. But then I remembered Jean was slated to retire in February and he just decided to retire early. So now we have a new Right Honorable Prime Minister. PM PM. At least now I know what he sounds like, if not what he looks like.

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