Thursday, July 28, 2005

Not sure how widespread this story got in the media, but a scientist from my alma mater agreed to do a DNA analysis of a tuft of hair found in the Yukon believed to be sasquatch hair. Turns out it is just bison fur, to the surprise of not really anybody. The search continues.
In the meantime, another search continues for something we know exists, but have never actually seen in the wild- Architeuthis, the giant squid. When I was in St. John's, I went to the newly-opened world class facility The Rooms, where they had a really interesting exhibit on Architeuthis. One researcher hit on the idea of capturing newly-hatched giant squids and raising them to adulthood, and he was able to do so, giving the world the first footage of living Architeuthises, albeit they were really little since they were just babies. And sadly they all died within hours.

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