Friday, June 27, 2008

Fanart Friday: Wall E
The last couple of Pixar movies haven't been my cup of tea but Wall E looks amazing, and it is getting some pretty great reviews too- the Edmonton Journal called it the movie of the decade. Since it just opened today there isn't a whole lot of fan art out there but here are a couple, from kisaru and bosstones22 respectively:

And in other news, they have discovered that some African frogs can extrude their toe bones as claws, Wolvie-style, when threatened. Crazy! Like the movie Logan, doing so causes pain and unlike X-Man, they don't have a healing factor so it is a last resort. I kind of wish poison dart frogs could do this, but I am also glad they can't. One of the challenges of writing Poison Dart is the bad guy I have is pretty crazy tough, and I'm not realy sure how Dart is going to prevail. Some adamantium claws would go a long way in badassing him up. But really, little Dart's appeal is he is not a badass superhero but just a little froglet. Albeit a poisonous one. Ribbit albeit!
Turns out Epantiras already imagined a frog with ninja claws: