Saturday, January 17, 2009

No baby yet. Today would have been a good day for it to arrive since it was a bad day at work. Not the Worst Day Ever but the worst day so far this year at least. Our big digger has been down for a month and the bosses were getting antsy to get it working. It finally came up today. So we had to move it to where shovel 8 was. And then shovel 8 had to move to where shovel 6 was. And then shovel 6 had to move to where shovel 10 was. Which is easy to do when you are an engineer moving blips around on a map, but not so much fun when you are the guy who has to do all the grunt work with the cable and stuff. Plus a little short on the manpower today. There was even some Blood Boiling Over here and there, which is actually pretty rare at the ole coal mine, at least from my foreman. He was mad because we Stopped For Lunch. We were mad that he was denying us our Marxist right to Stop For Our Damn Lunch Already. So I was calling Michelle and asking if she was having the baby yet so I could go home. She kept saying no even when I was like, "Are you sure? Really? Because it seems like you might be contracting to me. What was that? Did your water just break?"
Anyways, we moved all the shovels and I came home and still have no baby. Maybe tomorrow.
On the plus side- from the time I got on the highway from Hinton all the way to here I didn't have to stop once. I might have fudged a yellow light a bit at Henday and Terwillegar just to keep the streak intact but I did it.
I finished The Baroque Cycle a few nights ago. I don't think I've ever used the term tour de force before in my life but it fits. At least I assume it fits since I don't really know what tour de force means. Kickass awesome is what I think it means.