Monday, January 26, 2009

No baby yet.
But I am on holidays for the next 22 days so now it can come whenever. I won't have to abandon my buds in the midst of moving shovel 10. Because that would have been awful. Just terrible.
Have you ever read Guy Gavriel Kay's The Summer Tree? It's the first part in a fantasy trilogy, popular enough to warrant a special 20th anniversary edition, but so far after a hundred pages I am not really that into it. Neither do I hate it. Earlier I read his newer book Ysabel and had the same reaction, though I have a friend who loved it enough to read it out loud to his wife.
One writer I absolutely love is Augusten Burroughs. Friend at work recommended him. You might not know his name but maybe you saw the movie based on his book Running With Scissors? I haven't but I plan to sometime soon. The book is all about his childoohd and it's crazy. Funny and shocking too. Then there's Magical Thinking which is more essays about his life after childhood. Good stuff. Look- he's got a blog! Uh, blob, actually.