Sunday, January 31, 2010

One of my favorite science fiction stories ever is a little gem written in the 1930s called "A Martian Odyssey" by Stanley G. Weinbaum. Imagine my excitement when I was checking deviantArt and one of the artists I watch, George Sellas, was hired to illustrate a comic book adaptation of it. It finally came in the mail the other day and it's great! Beautiful art, very faithful to the story with only minor cuts for length. Also, as you can see from the cover, there's a War of the Worlds adaptation and a few other stories. You can get it here.
Speaking of great SF short stories, I love the Year's Best series edited by David G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer. I'm reading Year's Best Sf 14 right now, covering 2008 I believe. Fantastic. Every one I've read is amazing, though #10 for whatever reason was perhaps a little weaker than the rest. Short stories might not be the most popular form but in the science fiction field at least, they are as strong as ever. Kage Baker, who died this morning, had a story or two included along the way.
Also strong as ever is Empire Strikes Back. Check out this guy's Lego diorama, complete with LEDs and winch motors. And Avanaut's Lego on Hoth photo set is beautiful. Especially this one.