Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy radio silence! We've been in Hinton the last few days for a funeral and some visiting and stuff. And now I'm still here for some night shifts and stuff.
What can I tell you that doesn't bore even me? Ummmm . . .
Have you ever seen G.I Joe? Surprisingly good, especially in my friend Robin's amazing home theater (Michelle says it alters her heartbeat!)
Have you ever read Accelerando? I've been working on it for a month now and though it can alter your brain it's pretty good. Uploaded lobsters and stuff.
Have you ever heard the new Rob Zombie? Pretty good. Also I finally located a CD copy of D.R.I.'s Thrash Zone and been loving that up.
That's all I know.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

So it looks like we'll be going to the Lady Gaga concert when she comes to Edmonton in August. Me and the boys were discussing her on the bus and I was defending her, saying how she is like Marilyn Manson and Madonna all rolled into one, and she lives her life on her own terms and doesn't give a f*^& what anyone else thinks. My argument must have struck home because then Craig called later and suggested we all go. Sweet! But Michelle informs me that this doesn't count as her choice that she was owed as a result of going to Slipknot.
Anyways, here is Christopher Walken reading Poker Face, via gabrielle.
While you're there you might as well also check out Gorillaz' new video with Bruce Willis. And . . . Nosferatu??
Don't forget OK Go's new one, which all hipsters have already seen twice but us oldsters are a little behind the curve I guess.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dark Side Rulez!

And I thought Anakin turned to the dark side a little too easily. Compared to this guy he was a paragon of willpower.
Pallas is way more strong-willed. In fact here she is trying to talk Darth Vader into going to get her some cookies. And Vader caved, like he always does.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

I watched Where the Wild Things Are last night. I had high hopes and low expectations for it since I'd heard such strong reactions both +/-. In fact, Robin said he hated it- he even went so far as to say he thought the Jim Carrey Grinch movie was better! Very strong words since that movie was one of the biggest piles of poo ever pooed by all the poobears who ever pooed in the woods.
Anyways I actually really liked Wild Things but I can see why some people didn't. I mean, years of reading the book and looking at the wild things in that beautiful mixture of awe and wanting to be with them and being a little scared, well, seeing them being all depressed and like inmates in Nurse Ratched's Psych ward . . . it's not how I would've done it. But it still worked, at least as an interesting interpretation (and only that) of the 12 page book. There were parts that were absolutely stunning, and some truly funny dialogue, and James Gondolfini? Brilliant!
You know what was the one thing I was really disappointed in? That the end credits didn't have new Maurice Sendak artwork of the wild things! How could they miss such a golden opportunity?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Turns out when you buy passes to San Diego Comic Con you get a magazine in the mail. China Mieville will be there! Sweet! Anyways this visceral reminder that we're going to San Diego this summer inspired us to actually book our flights, which we just accomplished now. I even got one for free from Airmiles. And when I say free I mean only a couple of hundred dollars for taxes and insurance. So yeah, if you want a free Comic Con magazine just send me $200 and I can hook you up.
Speaking of getting great stuff in the mail, today I got a present from Jon- the Star Wars Atlas! Sweeeeeet! Thanks buddy! How's things going over there anyways? How soon till The Crab is out?
Sadly, Hinton still has no movie theater where one could go to see a native Hintonite's feature film debut. My buddy Robin, however, has the nicest home theater ever and maybe we can have a little film festival there. Seriously, he's been working on it for three years or better and now that it's finished it's truly a work of art.
Yesterday was actually my last shift with Robin as he is moving to the maintenance department to begin his apprenticeship. It was sad and was made even more sad because I was stuck on shovel and not being trained by him on pumps as I should have been. And was even more more sad because he got to blow up the ice covering a lake to put some pumps in and I missed it!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Have you seen this Lego Force Unleashed video yet? It's pretty great. Via Club Jade.

Finished page 4 of Star Wars #96 in action figure form. That's all I'll do for that for now because I am off to work for a few days or so.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

We went swimming today! It's been way too long. Well, in Edmonton there aren't that many good pools for kids, at least not near by. There will be in another 6 or 8 months when they finish our huge rec center down the road, but until then, not much. Solution- go to Sherwood Park where they have the greatest pool ever! So much fun.

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