Saturday, March 20, 2010

So it looks like we'll be going to the Lady Gaga concert when she comes to Edmonton in August. Me and the boys were discussing her on the bus and I was defending her, saying how she is like Marilyn Manson and Madonna all rolled into one, and she lives her life on her own terms and doesn't give a f*^& what anyone else thinks. My argument must have struck home because then Craig called later and suggested we all go. Sweet! But Michelle informs me that this doesn't count as her choice that she was owed as a result of going to Slipknot.
Anyways, here is Christopher Walken reading Poker Face, via gabrielle.
While you're there you might as well also check out Gorillaz' new video with Bruce Willis. And . . . Nosferatu??
Don't forget OK Go's new one, which all hipsters have already seen twice but us oldsters are a little behind the curve I guess.

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