Sunday, September 19, 2010

Green Lantern Logo

So the first Green Lantern I read was a collection called Secret Origin, which was a good entry for a newbie like me who spurned DC Comics all his life and didn't know anything about him. This writer Geoff Johns has taken an old superhero and reinvigorated him, to huge critical acclaim within the comics world, and even mainstream media. I learned about the green power rings and the lanterns that charge them, and all the funhokey things that were part of the 70 years of Green Lantern mythology, like their oath. How Hal Jordan became the Green Lantern. All about the Green Lantern Corps. Atrocitus is a cool name, right? Sinestro, not so much.
Anyways, turns out the actual reboot started earlier, with a miniseries collected as Rebirth. Poor Geoff Johns, he inherited quite a mess. And there I am, thinking I know all about Green Lantern now and reading about how Hal Jordan is dead because he reignited the sun but his soul is currently possessed by Parallax and also the Spirit of Vengeance. And Batman is really mad at him, and Batman and Superman and Mister Terrific and Dr. Mid-Nite all live on the moon together. Anyways, it was fairly confusing but in the end Hal Jordan is reborn and not evil. Yay!

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