Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I had an even epiccer run today. I was still in a Hulky mood so I was wonfdering what to watch, decided to rent from the iTunes store, other than a freebie once I never tried that before. Some weird mental block about paying 99 cents for a file that disappears in 48 hours. Not 99 cents! Who can afford that? But it's easier and cheaper than driving to Blockbuster (and driving there again to return it) so yeah. Anyways, I rented the Ultimate Avengers movie, a cartoon based on the Ultimates. It was alright, the best part eas that although the Avengers assembled to deal with an alien menace, it was really about Hulk fighting Thor and Captain America et al. Yup I just said et al. So I got my Hulk fix.
We also were able to watch the first two episodes of Game of Thrones. Pretty cool, eh? Of course no one looks how I imagined them but that's always the case. Pretty faithful adaptation for the most part. And the opening titles are great. Hopefully the series lasts long enough to get to the part where the giants ride the mammoths. I'd like to see that. I'd like to see Hulk fight giants riding mammoths.

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