Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Remember my old car, the one I used to write love poetry to, the one I gave away at 360,000 kms because I thought it was getting a little unreliable for my trips to Hinton and back? The guy I gave it to tells me he just rolled over 500,000 kms and still gets 800 kms on a tank of gas.
Meanwhile, my Saturn Ion has given me trouble since day one, literally. The first day I had it I almost got stranded at the Safeway when it wouldn't start. Took a couple years but I figured out that little issue. Other minor things here and there went wrong, plus through no fault of its own a deer slammed right into my passenger-side mirror and tore it off. It does get beat up quite badly, driving to work and stuff. Anyways, yesterday it gave me a valuable reminder of why it's important to change spark plugs every 90,000 kms or so. Ah well, that's fine. Cost me some money and I had to leave it in Hinton, and then find alternate transportation home. Since it's me, I used the greenest method of all- my green thumb! And since it was Hinton, the guy who picked me up was my old pumpman cross-shift from work. Oddly, we spent no time at all reminiscing about those good old days. Mainly we talked about how great our new jobs are now that we are no longer on pumps.
Well. There's still the matter of getting back to Hinton. Maybe three magic words- kijiji and honda and civic . . .

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