Wednesday, June 15, 2022

I've got a couple things dropping now or very soon, so I thought I would aggregate everything together in one handy post. Here is where you can buy my currently-available writings (some things are out of print or were one-offs you know- collector's items!)

Dropped today:

Lost Boys Press publishes an ezine called Straight On Till Morning with different themes for every issue- issue #4's theme is Moot. It features my story "The Spidermancer" and works by other great writers!

Dropping soon! July 1:

Wyrms is an anthology from Shacklebound Books of very short- exactly 100 words each- stories about dragons and wyverns and wyrms and whathaveyous. Can preorder on Amazon! This one is also electronic-only, it looks like. 

That's the new stuff. Don't forget you can go to Air and Nothingness Press' site to order a physical (no electronic versions of this one sorry!) edition of Upon A Twice Time. It features my story Megaflora which is a mashup of Jack and the Beanstalk and Victorian travelogue and other really cool things. Seriously. It's really cool. Everything AaN does is super cool.

And of course you can get The Ursus Verses Volumes 1 and 3 in the next post. I would love it if you did! And please consider leaving a review on Goodreads or Amazon or tell all your friends. Thanks!

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