Sunday, January 12, 2003

Pooing in the Woods is going for a more Woodsy look- what do you think? It took a lot of fiddling around just to get the greens sort of right, since I am not a poogrammer it was trial and error. The font colors don't really match up, but hopefully it doesn't hurt your eyes at least. The world could always use more green, and today I partook in the elimination of some- we painted over our Beautiful Green Ceiling at the Gathering. I felt kind of guilty about that so I changed the layout here. Eventually it would be cool to have an actual Woodsy background, complete with trees and creeks and such. But I have no idea how to go about doing that. It's kind of funny- I pooruse other people's blogs to see what else is out there and I find all these 14 year olds' blogs whose layout kicks ass, and they did it themselves when they were bored. Of course, their content is a little lacking- consisting mainly of teenygossip- who's mad at who and for how long and why and such. And they never seem to talk about Poo.

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