Wednesday, August 20, 2003

The Dalai Lama is coming to the United States for a tour next month. I would really love to be in New York when he is there- probably won't happen, but you never know. Actually I think Jonny Smelter will be here during that time, so a visit from him might take precedence even over a visit from His Holiness. Still, I fear this may be the last time the Dalai Lama visits North American soil, but again, you never know. Maybe he'll come visit me in the Woods someday. In fact, here is a formal invitation from Homie Bear to the Dalai Lama- Tashi Delek! You are welcome here anytime you like! Bring the chang!

From In Exile From the Land of Snows, by John Avedon:

And for the distant future, the Dalai Lama reveals that he has long considered retiring, though doing so in a manner which would radically alter the nature of his position and, with it, Tibet's government. "There are many prophecies which indicate that I will be the last Dalai Lama," he continues, matter-of-factly. "The world is changing so dramatically, that there may no longer be a need for the lineage. Even if the institution of the Dalai Lama does remain, the method of choosing the new Dalai Lama may not be the old, traditional way. I may pick the next Dalai Lama myself. Theoretically, this is possible, and for practical reasons it may be more sound. Then, once I have chosen him, I can become an extra Dalai Lama. Just a simple Buddhist monk," he adds, laughing.

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