Saturday, August 16, 2003

The Interview Game
River Selkie always comes up with fun stuff to do. Here are the questions she asked me for the Interview Game. Wanna play?

1. which of all the kinds of bears do you like the best and why?
I like polar bears the best, because of their white fur and habitat. I went up to Churchill, Manitoba once just to see if I could see any. Saw one. But grizzlies and black bears are pretty close, since they are quite common where I grew up. And if I ever saw a real live Spirit Bear they would probably become my favorite.

2. what was your favorite cartoon growing up? and now?
Growing up in the '80's like I did, I'm afraid I watched a lot of really poor quality product tie-ins on Saturday morning. But Go-Bots and Dungeons and Dragons stand out in my memory as my favorites, probably D and D being more favorte. Now, the easy answer would be Simpsons, but does that even count as a cartoon? So I will say The Iron Giant (it's not a a series, and I hope it doesn't become one, but since you didn't specify . . .)

3. what is your life going to be like in 10 years?
There will be much wringing of hands as I ponder turning 40. But I hope I will be proud of who I turned out to be, and have some accomplishments I can point to as well. And that I managed to preserve some semblence of integrity and class, especially with my friends. And I hope I will have been to the Antarctic. Or to Mars.

4. if you were to be a superhero, what would your name be and what powers/weapons would you have?
Well, I am already known as Ultraman in another online incarnation, and in several epic poems I wrote a while back, but it turns out that name is copyrighted, so I would have to come up with a new one. How about Ursis? And my power would be lycanthropy, only with bears, and I could turn into any kind of bear I wanted, as well as intermediate states where I would have humanoid features but bear claws and strength and stuff. Plus for no plausible reason I would be able to fly.

5. what is your earliest memory?
I was 21, and . . . just kidding. Some of my really early memories are not trustworthy- did they really happen, or did I just make them up? And if they are based on reality, how much have they been distorted by the intervening years? I recall meeting my oldest friend Travis- my Dad left us in the car while he went into Travis' dad's hardware store and Trav came and started talking to me. He asked me what my name was, and I asked him what his name was, and he said I asked you first, to which I had no rejoinder, so I had to answer him. But he didn't tell me his name at that time. That was about 25 years ago, when I was 3. But Travis doesn't remember that at all, so who knows?

Official Rules
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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