Thursday, September 11, 2003

Lydia is the winner of the Black Polar Bear poetry contest. You're still welcome to submit, though. Technically the prose category is still open. Which reminds me, I was working on another poem myself:

The black polar bear was hunting and caught a white seal
The seal said "If you don't eat me I will make you a deal
"If you let me go free I will give you one wish
"I can give you an unending supply of fresh fish!"

“I can catch lots of fish on my own I am sure
“But I do wish I had a different color of fur
"It's difficult to hide in the snow when you're black
"Making it hard to pull off a surprise attack"

"Hmm," said the seal, "I see what you mean
"And so I will turn you the color of green!"
"How do you like that?" said the seal with great pride
"Now don't you wish that you had specified?"

"But too bad for you a deal is a deal
"And I am still just a seal not a meal!"
The bear had to admit that he had been bested
So he let the seal go away unmolested

But if he ever caught a selkie again
He decided to not go toe to toe with its brain
Instead he would simply ignore all its cries
And eat it straight up- that would be wise

But in the meantime he had to deal with the fact
That he was now green and no longer black
Before he at least could hunt in the night
Now he would hunt by the Northern Light

And it could go on and on but I grow weary of it. Hey Selkie- I worked selkie in! Nice, eh? I thought selkies were baby seals but it turns out they are spirits from Irish legend so it kind of fits with the trickster seal here.

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