Thursday, November 27, 2003

It's Paleo Day Here at the Woods!
When I was in elementary school I knew all about dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. I wanted to be a paleontologist. As cool as dinosaurs were, with their alien monstrousness, I was even more partial to the just-slightly-removed-from-us world of the prehistoric mammal, such as Titanotherium (I pulled that name out of 23-year-old memory banks), sabre-toothed tigers (which, everyone knows, aren't tigers at all; Smilodon) and hominids such as Neanderthals. I had a like-minded friend named Peter. At recess we were often to be found playing outside in the snow (Canadian winters being ideal for simulating ice age conditions) pretending to be mammoths. We ran around calling each other Nathan Woolly Mammoth and Peter Woolly Mammoth.
Remember that old NFB fim of the stop-motion mammoths? I sooo thought they were real when I was a young Woolly Mammoth.

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