Thursday, January 06, 2005

Today was the day I told my girlfriend I would be coming home from New Zealand, a blatant and deliberate lie, since obviously I came home a month ago. It was getting kind of tricky keeping the web of deciet going for a while there, a lesson that bears and people should just stick with being honest. At one point I had to convince Michelle that the reason I needed her to be home on the day I was actually returning had something to do with volunteering for the Department of Conservation (so I had to call her that day rather than the day I usually called her). "Oh really? That's cool- what is that about?"
"Uhh, you know . . . saving, like, the kiwis . . . or something . . ."
"Well, couldn't you call me the day before?"
"Oh, um, no, because . . . also . . . saving kiwis that day . . . "
Anyways, it all worked out and I am pleased to say that my lie went unpunished. At least by her. Maybe God will still have something to say.
No lying, everybody, okay?

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