Friday, April 08, 2005

It's been a long time since I've written any pooems. I think the last one was in Malaysia, about the binturong. I've been keenly aware that I have a great new redesign that I am squandering by not poosting better content. This one has been in my head as a vague idea for a while, but between work and wedding prep I haven't had time to develop it till today. Hope you like it.

The Animal Chanimal has a new show
A makeover-reality hit produced by a pro
For the Series Premiere they took an old skunk
The one who was always drunk and who stunk
They gave him some perfume called Scent Of A Rabbit
And took him to rehab where he kicked his old habit
They followed that up by taking a bull
Around to a china shop, knowing in full
The damage he’d do; but Gyrating Gina
Trained him to be the world’s best bull ballerina
Ratings increased and audiences cheered
As the Three Billy Goats Gruff shaved off their beards
And they cried right alongside when the One Trick Pony
Learned trick number two and signed on with Sony
So the producers got in touch with ole Homie Bear
And invited him to sit in the Guest Animal's Chair
There's a rhetorical question they want to address
"Do bears poo in the woods?" The answer is yes
They envisioned a new brand of bears that were cleaner
And much more polite and less grumpy or meaner
"Mr. H Bear, will you come do our show?"
Homie Bear looked at them and snarled out- "No."

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