Tuesday, February 21, 2006

If I have one vice (pooing in the woods is not a vice!), then it would have to be books. I sure spend a lot of money on books. Now that we live quite a ways away from the six excellent used stores and the best new bookstore of our old neighbourhood, I thought I might get a chance to get caught up on my bookshelf backlog. But then Michelle told me she would like to have a copy of Pride and Prejudice. So, we made an excursion to the old country to find one. Which we did, and then we spent quite a bit of money on stuff we weren't looking for. But how can you not buy the complete works of Lewis Carroll in one volume for ten bucks? Or Sopranos Season 3 for less than half price of what it would be new? And to finally get our own copy of Oh, the Places You'll Go, well, it's money well spent.
Right now, I'm reading a very cool little book called Darwinia, by Robert Charles Wilson. I bought it last year, and it has sat on the shelf because I read another book of his, called The Chronoliths, which had a very cool concept, but then I felt it sort of failed to capitalize on it. Still a good read, but if you have a story about a conqueror who hurls huge monuments of his victories back in time, well, I wanna read about that guy. But we don't get to. Oh well. Darwinia is a lost world type of story, but completely unique in execution and concept. As a nice touch, it has a few nods to Edgar Rice Burroughs. Oh yeah, he's Canadian! Nice!
Oh yeah, speaking of Canadian authors, I also bought a book by Charles de Lint on Gotthammer's recommendation.

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