Sunday, June 17, 2007

Some of the things that are exciting to me this week:
-new White Stripes! Too bad I couldn't get tickets to the show, but if you have some you don't want just let me know. I'm even willing to go to the Whitehorse, Yellowknife or Iqaluit shows.
-new purple froggy! Well, they call it a toad but it looks like a species of poison dart frog to me. Too bad Michelle won't let me get one, but if you have one you need to get rid of, just let me know.
-new black running hat. So I don't overheat while running. My wife didn't just let me get it, she bought it for me! yay! On Canada Day I will be running my first race, just a little 5 k one. But I'm excited.
How about you- what are you excited about these days?
PS- turns out Ashley MacIsaac and Jack White are distantly related so Ashley will open for the White Stripes for at least the Eastern leg of their Canadian tour (Which I will also accept tickets for).

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