Monday, May 05, 2008


Against my better judgment I took an overtime shift at work. I haven't worked an overtime in three years- since before I got married. When you spend four days of every week 300 kms away from your wife, you don't really ever want to voluntarily extend your time away from home. Even for time-and-a-half pay, which works out to close to a trillion dollars a day, more or less. I might exaggerate. But recent events have forced my hand. First I hadda buy a new (used) car, then I hadda buy a garage to put said new car in. Total cost : a trillion times a hundred dollars, I think. The math is a little fuzzy. But however you add it up, it equals me spending less time at home for the next little while. But don't start feeling too weepy for me- I still get three days off this week.
Anyways my friend the rebel penguin started a blog, so go say hi.