Saturday, July 12, 2008

One more day of holidays for me. Hasn't been all that relaxing, but I am pretty proud of the deck, and the two-foot deep trench I dug (am digging, rather) for the garage's electricity. And I ran for one hour today, a new HB record! I wanted to hit that milestone before I went back to work because next week I am going on a three day hike with my friend Robin (we hiked the Tonquin Valley last year) and the better shape you are in, the more fun hiking up and down the inclines of the Skyline Trail is.
According to page 16 of Schuyler's Monster (great book by Robert Rummel-Hudson whose blog you should bookmark), at this stage of its development our little bean is sporting white fur called lanugo. Rob writes, "No one really seems to know what it does, other than give you a little albino Wookie for a few months." Or, a polar bear cub!
Since I was busy digging a trench in my backyard yesterday, I didn't post any fan art for Hellboy, but let me make up for that a little by directing you to this:
Hellbear by spaghetti016.