Friday, March 27, 2009

Just before Pallas was born I started playing around with Tiltshiftmaker, and then completely forgot about it till now. It's kind of fun taking some of my pics of the giant mining machines I work with and "miniaturizing" them. It doesn't always totally work but the end result is cool anyways. And they all look way better in fullview so click on the photos for the tilt-to-the-hilt goodness.

shovel8 shovel8-tiltshift

PC160783 3118692724_3aa4f94ac6_b-tiltshift

PA110223 Digging away tiltshift

P4260397 P4260397-tiltshift

the badger 7739177_519983363d_o-tiltshift

DSCF2871 DSCF2871-tiltshift

DSCF0943 In the bucketshift