Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So, something like 13 years ago I took this English class, Feminist Literature in the 20th Century. It turned out to be pretty much the best course I ever took in university. Yeah I know I majored in geology, shut up.
Anyways, we read books like Beloved and The Color Purple and probably even some books by white women though for whatever reason they don't stand out in my mind very much. One of the books in the syllabus was Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God. For whatever reason I never got around to reading it. Actually, the reason is I never got around to buying it. But whatever. The salient point here is that I finally got around to it this past week. Great book Dr. Read! Can I still hand in my paper on it?
I liked Janie a lot, and I liked Tea Cake, though I wasn't sure he was trustworthy. I'm glad she finally came alive with this scoundrel after living for so many years as the Mrs Mayor and just being a shell of a person. And the end is amazing, totally makes the book, though I won't say anything about it. Don't want no Their Eyes Were Watching God spoilers here!
Also, just read The Art of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. That is a seriously beautiful book. Some of the concepts that got discarded were pretty cool. Though I am glad young Han Solo was cut from the final movie.