Monday, June 22, 2009

Now To Design My Costume . . .

I got to sort of be a vigilante today. Michelle got me some custom bookmarks for Father's Day so we had to go to the SEC Wal-Mart to get them. I waited in the car with Pallas while she went in and got them. Then this guy runs by full speed, kind of a gangly strung out looking dude. Weird. Shortly after a green-vested Wal-Mart employee comes running after him. Just another day at Wally World right? Michelle comes back and tells me how this guy set off the alarm just in front of her and the elderly greeter had to call security, which explains why there was such a large gap between them. So that was interesting and I tell her what I saw and we headed off to Indigo to take advantage of their 4-for-3 sale.
Then I saw the guy still running, over by the Alberta Research Council! So I told Michelle to let me out since I thought I could cut him off. She didn't really want me to but I talked her into it. Off we go! Even though he was the equivalent of a good block away I totally had a bead on him and ran an intercept pattern, or as we superheroes call it, a Maneuver 2-B. I had him! I so had him. I was about to tackle him but a conveniently placed pond on the ARC campus provided his escape. He jumped in rather than face my righteous wrath! Even though I briefly considered jumping in after him I thought it would be just as effective to keep an eye on him till the security guard caught up.
"What are you gonna do now?" I said in a less ridiculous voice than the one Christian Bale uses as Batman. I have more of a Michael Keaton vibe about me, I think. At least that's what Wolverine told me once.
"Leave me alone!'' said the hardened criminal. I think he was going to cry. His jacket had come off and was floating in the water in front of me. "Geeze I hope he doesn't drown," I thought. The Wal-Mart guy finally caught up and took over, telling me he'd be sure to activate the Bear Signal next time he had a dastardly villain to catch. At least I think that's what he said, he was a little out of breath.
Anyways, the pond he jumped in can be seen in the first second or two of this video.
Also- I really shouldn't have gotten involved. I'm a Dad now for goodness sakes! But I have a really hard time resisting these types of situations. From now on no more vigilantism! I am hanging up my cape.
Oh yeah, we totally got some sweet stuff from Indigo! Three Star Wars trade paperbacks, and a bunch of books too. Sweet!