Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Things my daughter has been up to lately:
She's discovered my bobbleheads that Steve and Megan got me for Christmas:


She's also taken to bringing me socks for her to wear. Yesterday she was wearing pink socks but she came to me with a teletubbies sock, which she indicated I should put on her by tapping her foot with it. After I did, she crawled away and came back with the other one. Gotta match!
Also, she likes to cuddle all her stuffed animals and lay down on the floor to pretend she is having a nap. In fact the other day, she volunteered for a nap by pointing at her crib and her little sleep snuggly, and I was happy to oblige!


Yesterday I was making my culinary specialty, grilled cheese sandwiches, and she had to help me work the spatula. Since hot burners and babies aren't a good mix, I took her to her play kitchen and showed her how to stir and fry, and she's able to pretend stir and pretend taste. Mmm!
But she still only has three words, hi, mumum and daddad. Everything else is communicated with signs, whines or screams. Trying hard to teach her some more words!
Pallas Year 2 photoset.

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