Friday, May 21, 2010

It's the 30th anniversary of the release of Empire Strikes Back! Here's 30 reasons why it's the best movie of all time:
1. Wampas
2. 2-1B
3. Probots
4. 4-LOM
5. Snowspeeders
6. "Then I'll see you in hell!"
7. Tauntauns
8. Tauntaun guts
9. AT-ATs (but they fall down a lot!)
10. asteroid fields
11. TIE Bombers
12. Boba Fett
13. Bossk!
14. IG-88
15. Zuckuss
16. Imperial March
17. Ghost Obi-wan
18. Yoda's entrance
19. Mynocks
20. Space slugs
21. Do. Or Do not. There is no try.
22. 3PO gets blown up!
23. Chewie puts him back together
24. backwards!
25. Vader sits down for dinner
26. Carbon freezing chamber
27. Leia loves Han!
28. Han knows
29. Luke I am your father!
30. Nooooooooooooooooooo!

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