Friday, November 19, 2010

So now that all I have to do at work is take five or six loads of coal, I am sleeping so much better and I have so much more time for things like listening to podcasts. I find one episode of DNTO is good for a round trip. But it's bad when I'm writing down interesting things to remember for later while 300 tons of coal and metal are careening down the snowy haulroad. Just kidding! Right! I would never do such a silly thing would I? Or if I did I certainly wouldn't blog about it. Or if I did I would make sure to make it sound like I would never do such a thing on the blog so I wouldn't get fired. Umm. Confused yet? Anyways, check this out: is the site for Dominic Gill's documentary about how he tandem biked all the way across the Americas, getting total strangers to ride tandem with him. As soon as I get home I want to check out the film, and the book too.
The Green Lantern trailer came out, at least in the Spanish speaking world. Even though I am a GL rookie, it was still kind of cool to see Kilowog and stuff. Not sure if I buy Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan though. He's a great guy and I like how self-deprecating he is in interviews. So . . . yeah actually that should be fine. Anyways, here it is, Linterna Verde:

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