Sunday, November 14, 2010

Running on my treadmill, listening to the iPod. Good recipe for coming up with the crazy shite! Remember this one?
A line from Unforgiven II inspired this little snippet (Unforgiven III is my current favorite Metallica song though, this line is so wrenching to me- How can I blame you when it's me I can't forgive). Anyways.

She traced the outlines of his tattoos with her fingers. They always asked about the tattoos.
"What does this one say?" She pointed to the script on his chest.
"Black heart scarring darker still."
"You say Jesus, I say fuck. It's like a blessing. The muslims do it, whenever someone mentions their prophet they always say 'Peace be upon him.' It's like that."
"Huh. Sounds more like a curse to me."
"Yeah. Exactly."
She giggled. He didn't. After a while she went on with her line of thought.
"So this tattoo around your heart . . . you have a black heart?"
"It's from a song. This guy sleeps with a girl and then kills her and leaves."
He felt her tense.
"It's just a song. A tattoo. I'm not gonna hurt you. Jesus."
She went on to explore his other tattoos.

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