Thursday, June 02, 2011

This morning as were waiting for some friends to come over for a visit, I asked Michelle what time it was. Pallas piped up out of nowhere and said "It's 6:35!" It was quarter to eleven but still I was blown away. Where did she come up with that?
Anyways now seems like a perfect opportunity to share wth you one of my all-time favorite songs ever, Got The Time by Anthrax. It's a Joe Jackson cover, and even though it's 20 years old now (wow when did that happen?) it still stands up. Even if the mullets don't. Check out the bass solo at about 1:45. Sweet. Or, as we said back then, umm, what did we say back then? Gnarly. Radical. Bitchin'. Tubular. And so forth. Oh yeah- Wicked! Speaking of which, our Wicked tickets came in the mail today. Turns out the strike starts tonight rather than last night. Tubular!

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