Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm gonna be ascited!!!!! That's how Pallas says she's eagerly anticipating Xmas. And this year has been absolutely magical watching her truly get into the spirit for the first time. She sprinted to sit on Santa's lap when it was finally her turn. And what did she ask him for? Presents!
I tried explaining to her the naughty/nice concept as a subtle way of hopefully influencing her behavior for the next few days. She listened solemnly and when I asked her if she thought she had been naughty or nice, she without hesitation asked, "But how Santa can come out from our chimney?" This is her biggest concern, of course, since our fireplace is one of those sealed gas ones that doesn't have an actual chimney. Even at not quite 3yo, Pallas can plainly see there's no way for the fat guy to pull that one off.
"Well, you know, Santa Magic."
And that's the heartbreaking aspect of all this Santa magic- that we are telling her these egregious lies, all in good fun, that she is wholeheartedly believing. I always thought I would be the parent who wouldn't teach his kids about Santa and all that, but somehow we just did almost by osmosis. Yeah, it's magical and soooo cute, but part of me really feels actually guilty.
I wish there was actual magic in this world that I could give you, little girl. I do.
At least I have something even better to give you- love.

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