Tuesday, December 27, 2011


8 Skeins of Danger tagged me and seeing as how he was instrumental in getting that meme I started going (ie he recognized the memetic potential and turned it into one) I thought I should play along. I did a similar one some years ago with Metallica so I thought I would do my other favorite band, The PIxies. Back in 1991, a bemulleted Homie Bear sat next to this really cute proto-goth in grade 11 English. We talked bands and though she didn't care for Sepultura and Death and Obituary as I did, she managed to turn me onto this cool band called The Pixies. Possibly on the very day they broke up, who knows. Though to be fair I think they broke up in 1993. The ticket stub held up by FX-7s is for one of their first shows after reforming. And I saw them again earlier this year performing Doolittle start to finish! Anyways:

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions.
Try not to repeat a song title.

Are you a male or female:
Here Comes Your Man

Describe yourself:

How do you feel:
Where is My Mind?

Describe where you currently live:
Planet of Sound

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Isla de Encanta

Your favorite form of transportation:
Levitate Me

Your best friend is:
Crackity Jones

You and your best friends are:
Dancing the Manta Ray

What's the weather like:
Stormy Weather

Favorite time of day:
Bird Dream of the Olympus Mons (so like, 6:35)

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:

What is life to you:
Blown Away

Your relationship:
Monkey Gone to Heaven

Your fear:
Break My Body

What is the best advice you have to give:
Distance Equals Rate Times Time

Thought for the Day:
La La Love You

How I would like to die:
All Over the World

My soul's present condition:
Oh My Golly!

My motto:
I'm Amazed

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