Friday, March 16, 2012

Wow where have I been right? Just busy. You know how it goes. Just bought a new dishwasher, which is one of those purchases that you need to do but it doesn't stop you from crying anyways. Hopefully this one lasts the 18 years the salesman suggested it would. The other one only lasted 6.
In other news, turns out Mike Daisey was fudging a few details in his "The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs". Shame, because the issue (of shitty working conditions at Foxconn in China) is still more or less valid I think, but now no one will pay any more attention to it. When you're a writer, or a journalist, or a performer or whatever Daisey is, the only thing you have is integrity. Why you would throw it away is beyond me.
You know who does have integrity? George Clooney. And his dad. And Martin luther King III. Good for them.
Update- here's a thoughtful response to the Mike Daisey thing from a Macworld writer.

Oh yeah and before I forget, last week I switched the car seats for the girls from the 5 to the CX-5 so I could go out while Michelle was working. Such a pain, switching those around. Naia is still too little to be technically front-facing, I dunno why, it's just the law, but she's so close I thought about turning it around to save time. Then a little voice in my head told me not to take shortcuts when it comes to my daughters' safety, so I made it rear-facing. So off we went on our first adventure in daddy's new car! Pallas was pretty impressed. I think Naia was crying, but I can quite easily tune that out to concentrate on the road. Pallas says, "Daddy, Naia's upside down." Which I interpreted to mean that she was facing the opposite way that Pallas was used to seeing her. So I said, "Yup." A little later that little voice returned and told me that actually she was still facing the normal way, so I looked all the way up in the rear-view mirror and discovered that in fact Naia was upside down, or very nearly so, as her car seat had fallen over somehow. Some strap or other obviously hadn't gotten attached. She was pretty mad.
Incidentally, you might conclude from this photo that she is now front-facing anyways. That's just . . . mirrors. And photoshop. You know, photos really can't be trusted nowadays.

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