Friday, March 02, 2012

my new mazda CX-5
There it is! Pretty sweet. Fun to drive. Michelle took some photos with her iPhone, so there will be some mroe later but for now this is the only one she sent me. By the time I got it home I was running out of time and daylight. Sadly, since it doesn't have winter tires yet I will not drive it to Hinton tomorrow.
Weirdly enough, I just saw that one of my favourite blogs has a post about CX-5s. And the Lorax. And a picture of a CG CX-5. Apparently my car is Lorax approved. Though I dunno if The Lorax movie would be Seuss approved. And I, a coal miner, wouldn't be Lorax-approved, even though the Lorax book, if not the movie, is defintely Homie Bear approved.

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