Friday, October 05, 2012

Every great superhero needs a good Rogue's Gallery of villains and nemeses. So today at work i was brainstorming ideas from Pallas' large little world and I came up with a few. So here are Owie Badguy's bad guys.

1. Stinknut the No. Low level mob thug, probably an enforcer, utterly without mercy. Even when victims plead for their lives, his answer is always no. This is inspired by Naia whose nickname is The Peanut. Sometimes though we call her stinknut. And her favorite word is no. She even says it in varying tones of voice while sleeping. Stinknut the No, yo!

2. Terrible Two. Surely this has been done? I'm writing this out on my iPad in Evernote so I'll google it later. Super powered twins, with some sort of superpowers. You know.

3.Snot Dragon. As parents we learned that children quickly become snot dragons when they're sick. Anyways Snot Dragon would be a mystical martial artist who summons dragons who spew snot rather than fire.

4. Pallmall. Pallas was calling herself that for a while, though it evolved to Powmom or some thing later on. Anyways Pallmall would be your Joker-like psycho who just likes chaos for its own sake.

5. Trum. Your basic rampaging monster with rage issues and utterly without the ability to be reasoned with. Owie Badguy's very own hulkish analogue. Derived from tantrum, of course.

6. Night Knight. His goal in life is for the whole world to say good night. Permanently! And his favorite book is Goodnight Moon. Owie Badguy fights N.K well past the point of exhaustion,
seemingly every. single . night.

7. Gomer Pile O' Bones. We decided our Halloween skeleton hanging outside is named Gomer and my subconscious knew there was a joke in there somewhere. Finally got it to surface. An animate skeleton! Probably kind of clumsy too though I have to admit i really have no idea who Gomer Pyle is.

8. Hohoho. Pallas used to think Santa's name was Hohoho so I thought an evil santaish character with that name would be kind of cool.

9. Bastroyer. Marvel has Galactus. DC has the Anti-Monitor. But even they must bow to . . . Bastroyer! Your basic giant planet-killer. Owie Badguy would still punch him in the face though.

10. Owie Goodguy. Obviously, Owie Badguy's evil clone.

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