Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Gotten quite a few rejections for short stories lately and that's fine and normal. Earlier today on Twitter I posted how even though I've tried so many things to get the writing juices flowing nothing seemed to work. I set up a nice writing table and I have my still-too-small collection of notebooks that I use instead of a computer:

There's a method but also I don't really have a computer so.

I've been trying to write a little every day but it's not really been too successful. I try to just warm up by journalling but not life journalling just literally like warming up writing muscles talking about the process and stuff. 

I listen to boardgame design podcasts and one doctrine that's really essential in that field is to iterate quickly instead of overthinking stuff alla time so I tried that. Definitely helpful but you have to be comfortable with suckiness. Hell, I even watched some YouTube videos on writing just to see if I could jumpstart creativity. Other things I try- reading my own writing to sort of remember what my style is. That's helpful too, actually.

Then I took a break and did some household maintenance type things. Still just urg! Finally I decided to go for a run sans AirPods so no music or podcasts. Just me and my thoughts and I ran a good 10 kms and also it totally worked so yay! Once winter comes I don't know how happy I will be to get out there in -30 but I will cross that bridge when it comes. 

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