Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 I was walking Pallas over to  a nearby park and we saw that same bird I mentioned last week, got a slightly better picture of it but the crucial identifying feature isn't shown, though we clearly saw it. A red patch on her head! Easy enough to google that and the result was Hairy Woodpecker.  I know these are hardly exotic birds but they're a big deal for me in my nondescript Edmonton backyard!

Stonemaier Games announced the second Wingspan expansion today! Quite a striking box art, as with all the Wingspan art. I'm excited for this since it was my trip to New Zealand that really opened my eyes to how cool birds are. I'll never forget Been looking out the window of Wedge and saying, "There's a parrot out there."

I had no idea there were parrots in New Zealand. Where are parrots from? I'm not super sure. What even are parrots? Anyways the kea is the world's only alpine parrot and I can't wait to see its card in Wingspan. Hopefully it's special power is to open your backpack and steal all your food! Here's my photo of that kea from sixteen years ago (!):

Hmm. Well since the last time I was super active on this blog my Flickr account was essentially taken hostage- they wanted fifty bucks or all my photos but a thousand would be deleted forever. So I just deleted them myself- I save them to various places but I can't find my Kea anywhere. Oh well it wasn't a great photo or anything. But it was mine.

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