Tuesday, February 02, 2021

 Two Kickstarter posts in a row... I know! Don't worry, this is not going to be an all-Kickstarter hype blog, there are plenty of those out there (or at least I assume so lol) but a project just launched that I love for a couple of reasons. First, here's the project:


 Beautiful, yeah? I backed the first two volumes, Feyland and Underworld. Then I won the third volume the other day on Twitter from Cawood Publishing! In an era of my life in which I am, um, being a little more austere with my discretionary purchases, that felt really great. While giving my address to them I discovered there is an Edmonton connection with the publisher Andrew Cawood, which I thought was very cool. He moved to Edmonton from South Africa, went to high school here, got into Dungeons and Dragons here, now he's in Vancouver. 

 These books are gorgeous, full-colour illustrations on every page. Even if you're not an RPG person, these are just great books to flip through and admire the art and read the lore.  Oh and the illustrator? What initially drew me to the first volume, Monsters of Feyland, was seeing Travis Hanson post about it on Instagram. Travis Hanson has been one of my favourite artists for a lot of years now- our house is pretty much a Travis Hanson art gallery, we have several of his prints hanging on ourn walls as well as a piece of original art which is amazing. You might remember I interviewed him for this blog many years ago! Oh and then I got to meet him at SDCC in 2010... how is that over a decade ago, wow. Anyways, he's been busy the whole time since then, he's gotta be one of the hardest working artists in the biz. And definitely one of the best. 

Original art! Three of my favourite things- bear, dwarf, axe!

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