Thursday, January 28, 2021

Here's a project I'm proud to support- it gets tiring promoting one's self all the time, but it never gets tiring amplifying the awesomeness of other creators. Especially when they are somewhat local. 

Yuka's Way Home by Abigail Roscoe is a beautiful kids' book about reindeer and the Sami. Gorgeously illustrated, I have the Kindle edition and was happy to back the Kickstarter to get a hardcover as well. She's close to hitting her goal, help out if you like! 

I'm also very excited to see what Abigail does next, so I asked her! And she was kind enough to provide this response:

I'm planning to do more books that include indigenous representation and education about key species that need our help, and of course, part of the proceeds of those books will benefit the indigenous communities represented and the species of animal featured.

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