Thursday, May 08, 2003

You know that sound that submarines make in all the movies? That pinging sound? I think it's from the sonar. I thought I heard that today, outside my window. So I looked outside, very excited to see a submarine on my own street. But sadly, there were no submarines, or even any boats. Instead, there was a little boy, about nine or so, in his pyjamas standing in my flower bed. Though not as exciting as a submarine, I still thought this was very interesting and I thought I would go outside and say hi. He had an armfull of pine cones, and was gazing fixedly at the water dripping from the eaves on my house. "Hi there!" I said. The little boy looked at me, and said "Bah!" and turned back to the waterdrip. It was then that I thought he was likely an autistic child with a water fixation, and since it is still quite cold out I decided I better get him a sweater and try to find his home. Wisely, the boy was scared of me and started to run away from me, and I was now very unsure what to do- follow him to make sure he got home okay? I didn't want to totally terrify him by running after him. Luckily his Mom came looking for him and so I introduced myself, and she confirmed my theories. So now I know where they live if it happens again.
I still don't know what that submarine sound was though- maybe it was a top secret new Urban Submarine with Secret Cloaking Capabilities and it is even now spying on me and sending back reports to CSIS. If I catch it I'm going to steal one of its torpoodoes.

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