Friday, February 25, 2005

Have you ever seen a coalmine at night? Talk about black.
I'm off for work tomorrow, nights this week. Graveyard shift. I'm not sure if I ever explained this, but my work schedule is pretty decent- I work on a four on, four off rotation. Four dayshifts in a row, four days off, four nightshifts in a row, four days off, repeat. Because we work 12.66 hour shifts, we actually have a longer than regular workweek in just four days. It's nice to have all that time off afterwards, though since I have an 8-day week, I am always a little out of step with the rest of the world. And for a variety of reasons, I am working quite a bit of overtime lately, so tomorrow I leave for six nightshifts (again!), after only two days off. Umm, 6 * 12.66 anyone? Let's see, not quite 80 hours. Crazy eh? And next week when I am done, we are heading to Calgary to visit my future in-laws. So I'm not sure if I will be around here much, though you never know. I'm not trying to neglect you all.

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